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CBD Update - Recent Research

As promised, I will continue to post updated information and research about CBD as I investigate further and become aware of findings. I well realize this post may not be of general interest, but I feel it is pertinent for those seeking relief and symptom alleviation to have a natural alternative to narcotics/opioids, benzodiazepines, and SSRIs, to name a few chemical drugs that carry so many adverse side effects.

What is recent research saying about CBD? 

I recently came across an article published by the National Library of Medicine from the Journal of Behavioral Neurology (October 2023). I thought this article did a fine job of clearly explaining the role of CBD in the human body. Here is a link to that article for those interested. I will include the research studies' summaries here for quick reading.  



Therapy studies evaluating the clinical response of CBD (cannabidiol) in animals and patients with different neurological conditions. The table includes study designs, subjects, treatments, and outcomes. 

(Note: this table may not be entirely visible on a phone screen - best visualized on a laptop or desktop computer).


Study design 





Randomized controlled trial 

50 patients with epilepsy 

CBD oil (300 mg/day) 

Significant reduction in seizure frequency 


Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 

100 patients with multiple sclerosis 

CBD capsules (10 mg/day) 

Improved muscle spasticity and pain relief 


Preclinical study (rat model) 

Rats with neuropathic pain 

CBD injection (5 mg/kg) 

Reduced pain sensitivity and inflammation 


Case series 

10 children with autism spectrum disorder 

CBD oral solution (20 mg/kg/day) 

Improved social communication and reduced anxiety 


Retrospective study 

200 patients with Parkinson's disease 

CBD tincture (20 mg/day) 

Decreased tremors and improved sleep quality 


Pilot study 

30 patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 

CBD vaporization (30 mg/day) 

Reduced PTSD symptom severity 


Preclinical study (mouse model) 

Mice with Alzheimer's disease 

CBD treatment (10 mg/kg/day) 

Improved cognitive function and reduced neuroinflammation 


Open-label trial 

50 patients with chronic pain 

CBD transdermal patch (30 mg/day) 

Reduced pain intensity and improved quality of life 


Prospective cohort study 

100 children with the Dravet syndrome 

CBD oral solution (20 mg/kg/day) 

Decreased seizure frequency and improved behaviour 



Cross-sectional study 

300 patients with anxiety disorders 

CBD oil (25 mg/day) 

Reduced anxiety symptoms and improved mood 



Preclinical study (rat model) 

Rats with spinal cord injury 

CBD administration (10 mg/kg/day) 

Improved motor function recovery and reduced inflammation 



Randomized controlled trial 

60 patients with schizophrenia 

CBD capsules (600 mg/day) 

Reduced psychotic symptoms and improved cognitive function 



Case-control study 

50 patients with Huntington's disease 

CBD oil (15 mg/kg/day) 

Decreased chorea movements and improved quality of life 



Preclinical study (dog model) 

Dogs with osteoarthritis 

CBD-infused treats (5 mg/kg/day) 

Decreased pain and improved mobility 



Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 

80 patients with fibromyalgia 

CBD gel (100 mg/day) 

Reduced pain sensitivity and improved sleep quality 



Case series 

10 patients with the Tourette syndrome 

CBD oral solution (10 mg/kg/day) 

Decreased tics and improved tic-related impairment 



Retrospective study 

200 patients with epilepsy 

CBD oil (20 mg/kg/day) 

Reduced seizure frequency and improved quality of life 



Preclinical study (mouse model) 

Mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 

CBD treatment (5 mg/kg/day) 

Delayed disease progression and increased motor function 



Randomized controlled trial 

50 patients with social anxiety disorder 

CBD capsules (300 mg/day) 

Reduced anxiety symptoms and improved social interaction 



Cross-sectional study 

300 patients with migraine 

CBD oil (25 mg/day) 

Reduced migraine frequency and severity 



Open-label trial 

30 patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 

CBD oral solution (20 mg/kg/day) 

Improved ADHD symptoms and reduced impulsivity 



Prospective cohort study 

100 patients with traumatic brain injury 

CBD tincture (25 mg/day) 

Improved cognitive function and reduced neuroinflammation 



Case-control study 

50 patients with multiple system atrophy 

CBD oil (15 mg/kg/day) 

Decreased autonomic symptoms and improved quality of life 



Preclinical study (rat model) 

Rats with poststroke neuroinflammation 

CBD treatment (5 mg/kg/day) 

Reduced neuroinflammation and improved motor recovery 



Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 

80 patients with anxiety-related sleep disorders 

CBD capsules (50 mg/day) 

Improved sleep quality and reduced anxiety 


My personal take: None of these studies are perfect and admittedly there are some studies out there that don't show significant improvements with CBD for certain things, such as chronic pain. But what I think these studies do show is a trend and an underlying truth: CBD is worth trying. There is the potential for symptom relief with very few side effects and no risk for addiction.

I also want to stress the importance of quality CBD and purchasing from a trusted supplier. This is why I have chosen Green Compass which is 100% USDA certified organic, recently obtained NSF rating, and is pushing for federal regulation of the industry, including FDA approval. They are also third party tested with table to package tracking. You can be sure that what's on the label is in the bottle.

Please reach out if you have any questions or need help with dosing.

Ben Friesen, MSN, FNP-BC


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