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This page is updated frequently as resources are discovered and vetted. Please message me if you know of good faith-based counselors in your state for issues surrounding adoptions, trauma, sexual abuse, attachment, and addictions. I am also interested in any concerns or questions you may have regarding the resources listed here.

DISCLAIMER: I offer these resources here as options/considerations/suggestions only. I cannot rubber-stamp them all and some admittedly may use modalities and treatments that you may find questionable. I include them here because I know people who have found them to be helpful and effective and they may work for you and the specific/unique challenge you’re facing. As always, please proceed towards professional counseling and therapy with care, prayer, and local leadership counsel.

Resources for Brain Retraining 

​Brain retraining has proven effective for a variety of symptoms ranging from emotional and mental health challenges to autoimmune disorders. 

  • Nervous System Rewire: This is a brain re-training system produced, managed, and supported by Hazel Penner. It is a faith-based intervention similar to DNRS.

  • Dynamic Neural Retraining System: The Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) is a therapy that appears to be effective for a wide range of illness, ranging from skin sensitivities and asthma to anxiety and certain types of depression. It based on the concept of limbic system injury and takes advantage of brain/neuro plasticity. It is not an easy program but for those willing to commit the time to “retraining their brain” it can be life-changing. Please contact us for anecdotal reports and referrals. Note: this system does not have a lot of research backing and is not what I would consider evidenced-based from a strictly scientific standpoint. However, as with most systems like this, it lacks pharmaceutical industry support and thus it is unlikely it will ever be the subject of large randomized controlled studies. From an anecdotal standpoint, it does seem to be helpful and effective for those who have done it.

  • Gupta Program: This program is similar to the DNRS – a systematic brain retraining program. It comes with good reviews and is relatively inexpensive. We do have referrals available if you or someone you know is interested in more information.

Resources for Pornography & Sex Addiction

Pornography addiction is becoming more common unfortunately. Addictions of this sort run on a continuum, all the way from an occasional lapse in better judgment to hard core daily or even hourly usage. The resource links below are considered a good place to get started. Like any addiction, if it’s become a problem of coping with every day life, a more intense approach may need to be taken such as, for example, a 3 to 6 month inpatient residency.

  • Soul Refiner and the Conquer Series: The Conquer Series is probably best taken as a group or with an accountability partner. If an individual or congregation signs up as a group it is much cheaper (around 10$ per month per person as opposed to $50). In short, Conquer Series does not offer weekly counseling but rather uses the medium of film and workbook and encourages group participation, accountability, and check-ins. This has been found to be an excellent and effective program.

  • Pure Life Ministries: ​Pure Life Ministries offers a weekly one-on-one counseling option as well as a residency program. There have been good reports from this program as well.

Resources Focused on Children from Hard Places

  • TCU – Institute of Child Development founded by the late Dr. Karyn Purvis

  • Treasure Valley Neurotherapy: We recommend reaching to Sarah Jordan for a free consultation to ascertain whether or not TVN is for you. We highly endorse Sarah having used her in the past with good results. TVN does a combination of EMDR, CBT, neurotherapy and neurofeedback. She offers a 2-week intensive in Boise, ID. Message us for references and we can connect you with someone that has been there.

Resources for Treatment of Anorexia & Bulemia

Message us for personal references.

Resources for Men

  • As I Am: Experiential retreat/weekend intensive for men struggling with past abuse and trauma.

  • Joel 2:25: Some good information here for those struggling with SSA.

Message us for personal references. We also have a number of personal counseling options for men seeking help for unwanted same sex attraction.

Resources for Women

  • La Loba: La Loba is an intensive weekend retreat for women facing emotional and mental challenges from past abuse and childhood trauma. Registration fee: $660. 

Message us for more information and personal references.

Counselors & Therapists by Location

  • Colorado: Restoration Counseling - faith-based and offers weekend intensives with counselor Chris Bruno and other staff. They also offer some online counseling. Reports from those who have received counseling here are very good. References are available if you wish to first speak to someone who has been here before committing.

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